Article Dans Une Revue Forum of Mathematics, Sigma Année : 2024

Parametric Fourier and Mellin transforms of power-constructible functions


We enrich the class of power-constructible functions, introduced in [CCRS23], to a class C M,F of algebras of functions which contains all complex powers of subanalytic functions, their parametric Mellin and Fourier transforms, and which is stable under parametric integration. By describing a set of generators of a special prepared form we deduce information on the asymptotics and on the loci of integrability of the functions of C M,F. We furthermore identify a subclass C C,F of C M,F which is the smallest class containing all power-constructible functions and stable under parametric Fourier transforms and rightcomposition with subanalytic maps. This class is also stable under parametric integration, under taking pointwise and L p-limits, and under parametric Fourier-Plancherel transforms. Finally, we give a full asymptotic expansion in the power-logarithmic scale, uniformly in the parameters, for functions in C C,F. Contents
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hal-04195038 , version 1 (04-09-2023)



Raf Cluckers, Georges Comte, Tamara Servi. Parametric Fourier and Mellin transforms of power-constructible functions. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, In press. ⟨hal-04195038⟩
53 Consultations
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