Article Dans Une Revue Journal of Integer Sequences Année : 2013

On Generalized Pseudostandard Words Over Binary Alphabets


In this paper, we study generalized pseudostandard words over a two-letter alpha- bet, which extend the classes of standard Sturmian, standard episturmian and pseu- dostandard words, allowing different involutory antimorphisms instead of the usual palindromic closure or a fixed involutory antimorphism. We first discuss about pseu- doperiods, a useful tool for describing words obtained by iterated pseudopalindromic closure. Then, we introduce the concept of normalized directive bi-sequence (Θ,w) of a generalized pseudostandard word, that is the one that exactly describes all the pseudopalindromic prefixes of it. We show that a directive bi-sequence is normalized if and only if its set of factors does not intersect a finite set of forbidden ones. Moreover, we provide a construction to normalize any directive bi-sequence. Next, we present an explicit formula, generalizing the one for the standard episturmian words introduced by Justin, that computes recursively the next prefix of a generalized pseudostandard word in term of the previous one. Finally, we focus on generalized pseudostandard words having complexity 2n, also called Rote words. More precisely, we prove that the normalized bi-sequences describing Rote words are completely characterized by their factors of length 2.
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hal-00943568 , version 1 (07-02-2014)


  • HAL Id : hal-00943568 , version 1


Alexandre Blondin Masse, Geneviève Paquin, Jérome Tremblay, Laurent Vuillon. On Generalized Pseudostandard Words Over Binary Alphabets. Journal of Integer Sequences, 2013, 16, pp.Article 13.2.11. ⟨hal-00943568⟩
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