Chapitre D'ouvrage Année : 2005

J.F. Galbraith, economist of peace,


Illustration of the power of technostructures, partially autonomous, the military-industrial complex aims to escape democratic control at least partially, in the name of the secrecy necessary for national defense. As a result, it exerts a negative influence on the whole of American society, leading in particular to global economic waste to the detriment of citizens. The excesses of militarism lead to the arms race. Galbraith advocates disarmament and a reduction in military aid to developing countries in favor of other types of aid. Galbraith's analysis of peace remained consistent in all its expressions. If he recognizes the interest of a dominant power in using military force to deter enemies, to provide a social cement that the values of individualism do still not supply, and to maintain the 'society of contentment', he has also condemned the non-optimal character at the world level of military expenditures and the incapacity of modern societies to give up barbaric forms of conflict, wars or the domestic oppression of citizens by armies, which may be both instruments of power and the power itself.
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hal-04600850 , version 1 (04-06-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04600850 , version 1


Jacques Fontanel. J.F. Galbraith, economist of peace,. John Kenneth Galbraith and the Future of Economics, Mc Millan, 2005. ⟨hal-04600850⟩


22 Consultations
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