Steady-State Semi-Analytical Modeling of p-Doped Quantum Dot Lasers Thermal Characteristics and Extrapolation to Membrane Lasers
We present a rate equation model for the simulation of quantum dot lasers focusing on modeling the thermal behavior of p-doped devices, which are known to exhibit a reduced temperature sensitivity. The simulation results are compared with experimental data from the literature to demonstrate the model accuracy and underline the impact of npp Auger recombination and intervalence band absorption on the high room-temperature characteristic temperature of p-doped lasers. Applying this model to membrane lasers featuring high optical confinement factors in small active regions due to the use of thin III-V stacks as compared to conventional lasers, we demonstrate the potential of such lasers for short-distance optical interconnects as high temperature (110 °C) operation is predicted for an optimized design, with submilliamp threshold up to 60 °C.