Chapitre D'ouvrage Année : 2023

Covid-19 and Public Debt


The morality defined by the political system of the market economy is based on the respect of debt repayment. However, public debt is different and has not to be analysed as a worse management of public resources. Contrary to private agents, State has not, in principle, a limited time horizon and it is possible to repay its debt over long periods by "rolling over its debt". Moreover, public debt helps to regulate the economy in times of crisis. When a Covid-19 arrives, public health becomes the national and international priority and the public debt is a solution to solve both the pandemic and the problems of unemployment, health costs and education gap that it causes. Public debt is an instrument for societal change, with less inequalities, poverty and precariousness.
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hal-04441376 , version 1 (06-02-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04441376 , version 1


Jacques Fontanel. Covid-19 and Public Debt. Manas Chatterji; Urs Luterbacher; Valérie Fert; Bo Chen. Globalisation and COVID-19, 31, Emerald Group Publishing, pp.59-72, 2023, Contributions to conflict management, peace economics and development, 978-1-80262-532-5. ⟨hal-04441376⟩
19 Consultations
16 Téléchargements

