Poster De Conférence Année : 2023

Centre Mersenne - An open access publishing platform for scientific publications


The Centre Mersenne for Open Scientific Publishing is a not-for-profit, academic-led, full-featured publishing infrastructure for Diamond open access scientific publications prepared in LaTeX. Launched in January 2018 by researchers and supported by public institutions (CNRS and Université Grenoble Alpes), the centre Mersenne offers an open access dissemination and publication platform as well as affordable editorial and technical services to help editorial teams manage their publication: online publishing, visibility, interoperability and archiving, support to editorial process, typesetting and copyediting… We are also constantly developing new features for our journal websites to improve the visibility of research results such as semi-automatic translation of scientific articles to allow researchers to write/read in their native language, the possibility to comment articles or to create virtual issues after publication…
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hal-04273582 , version 1 (09-11-2023)


  • HAL Id : hal-04273582 , version 1


Célia Vaudaine, Murielle Serlet. Centre Mersenne - An open access publishing platform for scientific publications. Global Diamond Open Access Conference, Oct 2023, Toluca, Mexico. . ⟨hal-04273582⟩
76 Consultations
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