Article Dans Une Revue Control Engineering Practice Année : 2023

Discrete-time multi-model preview control: Application to a real semi-active automotive suspension system

Asma Achnib
Olivier Sename


Road roughness is one of reasons of vehicle vibration. Passengers feel uncomfortable or goods are damagedwith the serious vibration caused by the irregular road surface. This paper focus on the road adaptation forvehicle semi-active suspension system using preview robust control approach. This approach aims to improvethe performance of control systems by using future measurements or predictions of road disturbances. Theobjectives are to minimize a quadratic criterion on the system output and at the same time to achieve a goodmagnitude of the control signal. The proposed solution combines a robust feedback controller together with apreview feedforward filter. This new method is developed to synthesize the preview feedforward filter in orderto limit the control force demand of an electro-rheological (ER) damper in an automotive suspension system,and is implemented on the INOVE testbench from GIPSA-lab (1/5-scaled real vehicle) for real-time performanceassessment. Both simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controllerto determinate the damper force in real-time face to measurement noises and road disturbances.



Dates et versions

hal-04093634 , version 1 (10-05-2023)



Asma Achnib, Olivier Sename. Discrete-time multi-model preview control: Application to a real semi-active automotive suspension system. Control Engineering Practice, 2023, 137 (August), pp.105553. ⟨10.1016/j.conengprac.2023.105553⟩. ⟨hal-04093634⟩
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