Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2021

The usefulness and perverse effects of distance learning in a pandemic world


In 2021, distance learning has become an essential instrument in the training of young pupils and students in a semi-confined pandemic world. At the end of the 20th century, Peter Drucker foresaw the end of professors, to make way for distance learning. This analysis did not have the expected results. In 2019, Jeremy Rifkin had himself considered that distance learning would abolish or profoundly transform the teaching profession, because the economies of scale it offered drastically reduced costs, while providing everyone with a common culture and knowledge. However, this conception had "perverse effects", both in terms of equal opportunities for citizens, the dangers of a conventional pedagogy and the progressive isolation of those being taught.
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hal-03637667 , version 1 (11-04-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-03637667 , version 1


Natalia Bourova, Veronika Choubaeva, Jacques Fontanel. The usefulness and perverse effects of distance learning in a pandemic world. Distance learning, Oct 2021, Saint-Petersbourg, Russia. ⟨hal-03637667⟩
30 Consultations
51 Téléchargements

