Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2022

The lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic for National security


The crisis of globalisation and the rise of the Coivd-19 pandemic pose new threats to the national security of all countries. States have been increasingly challenged on their role, particularly in the economic order. Their actions concerning ecology, climate or air pollution have been strongly inspired by the decisions of specialised international organisations, too often advised by dominant commercial and financial interests. In this context, states have no longer been able to assume the full range of national security components. Mercantilists considered that dependence on a State's foreign trade led to an unacceptable reduction to the power of the Prince. Today, all countries are dependent on others. Moreover, the pandemic has highlighted the inability of states to find quick solutions to the economic dependencies of states, creating a sense of insecurity among citizens.
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hal-03616560 , version 1 (22-03-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-03616560 , version 1


Jacques Fontanel. The lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic for National security. Covid-19 consequences, Feb 2022, Grenoble, France. ⟨hal-03616560⟩
87 Consultations
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