Article Dans Une Revue BMJ Palliative and supportive care Année : 2022

Well-being treatments in cancer care: patient benefits


Objectives Well-being care is widely offered and delivered in patients with cancer. However, very few studies have rigorously evaluated its benefits. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of four well-being treatments (foot reflexology, socio-aesthetics, sophrology and singing) provided in a healthcare facility. Methods Three hundred and seventy-four patients with cancer were offered a well-being treatment and agreed to evaluate the type of treatment received, the benefits felt as a result, and numerical evaluation scales for pain and well-being before and after the session. Results The distribution of well-being treatments provided was as follows: foot reflexology: 19.0%, socio-aesthetics: 63.9%, sophrology: 6.7%, singing: 10.4%. The average gain in pain relief was 1.01 on a scale of 0-10 (p<10 −5) and on well-being 6.97 on a scale of −10 to +10 (p<10 −5). One patient (0.3%) experienced pain induced by a foot reflexology session and one patient (0.3%) experienced a deterioration in well-being following a singing session. Conclusion The well-being treatments studied provided significant pain relief and increased well-being in patients with cancer after their completion.
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Dates et versions

hal-03550351 , version 1 (11-02-2022)



Guillaume Buiret, Sophie Lantheaume. Well-being treatments in cancer care: patient benefits. BMJ Palliative and supportive care, 2022, ⟨10.1136/bmjspcare-2021-003458⟩. ⟨hal-03550351⟩
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