Pré-Publication, Document De Travail Année : 2020

Probabilistic reachable and invariant sets for linear systems with correlated disturbance


In this paper a constructive method to determine and compute probabilistic reachable and invariant sets for linear discrete-time systems, excited by a stochastic disturbance, is presented. The samples of the disturbance signal are not assumed to be uncorrelated, only a bound on the correlation matrices is supposed to be known. The concept of correlation bound is introduced and employed to determine probabilistic reachable sets and probabilistic invariant sets. Constructive methods for their computation, based on convex optimization, are given.
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hal-03246562 , version 1 (19-11-2020)
hal-03246562 , version 2 (02-06-2021)



Mirko Fiacchini, Teodoro Alamo. Probabilistic reachable and invariant sets for linear systems with correlated disturbance. 2020. ⟨hal-03246562v1⟩
98 Consultations
132 Téléchargements


