Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2020

High-gain observer design for some semilinear reaction-diffusion systems: a transformation-based approach


The design problem of a high-gain observer is considered for some 2×2 and 3×3 semilinear reaction-diffusion systems, with possibly distinct diffusivities, and considering distributed measurement of part of the state.Due to limitations imposed by the parabolic operator, for the design of such an observer, an infinite-dimensional state transformation is first applied to map the system into a more suitable set of partial differential equations. The observer is then proposed including output correction terms and also spatial derivatives of the output of order depending on the number of distinct diffusivities. It ensures arbitrarily fast state estimation in the sup-norm. The result is illustrated with asimulated example of a Lotka-Volterra system.
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Dates et versions

hal-03125711 , version 1 (29-01-2021)


  • HAL Id : hal-03125711 , version 1


Constantinos Kitsos, Gildas Besancon, Christophe Prieur. High-gain observer design for some semilinear reaction-diffusion systems: a transformation-based approach. CDC 2020 - 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, IEEE, Dec 2020, Jeju Island (virtual), South Korea. ⟨hal-03125711⟩
71 Consultations
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