Chapitre D'ouvrage Année : 2008

Global security and human security


F. Fukuyama resumed the idea, according to which the humanity inevitably progresses toward a pacification of the international relations after the end of the cold war in his theory of the end of history. Observing the political turnovers at the end of the 1980s and the world spreading of democracy and liberalism he so considered that wars would be less and less likely. But 15 years after the end of the cold war, the perspectives of a durable international disarmament have been disappointed by the ascent of the international terrorism and the American rearmament. The phenomenon of the globalization has made most industrialized countries more vulnerable to attacks, due to the globalization of communications, the development of international transport (notably aerials), the concentration of populations and resources in urban zones, etc. The greater liberalization of international economic activities does not so seem to correspond to a pacification of the international relations and does not thus confirm the liberal hypothesis of the peace by free trade set up as dogma from the end of the 18th century with the English classic school. The main current world economic power, the United States, is engaged in a process of unprecedented increase of its military expenditures, based on a new doctrine that weakens the international strategic balance and increases the risks of military conflicts.
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Dates et versions

hal-02388873 , version 1 (02-12-2019)



Michael Intriligator, Fanny Coulomb. Global security and human security. Jacques Fontanel; Manas Chatterji. War, Peace and Security, 6, Emerald, pp.53-66, 2008, Contributions to conflict management, peace economics and development, 978-0-4445-3244-2. ⟨10.1016/S1572-8323(08)06004-9⟩. ⟨hal-02388873⟩
28 Consultations
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