Chapitre D'ouvrage Année : 2019

Doing action research in a global project team


This chapter presents the case of a global design and development project team in which the team leader has implemented two phases of action-research. During the teamwork, she implemented "reflection in action" that allowed to take a step back on situations and adapt the management of the team accordingly. Later, after the end of the project, a collaboration with an external researcher led to further theorization of the teamwork experience. This chapter first reviews the methodological literature to show that action research is an interesting method for international management research. Then, it presents two events that occurred during the project teamwork, and how action research was conducted in this context. Finally, recommendations are made to researchers who intend to implement action research in intercultural teams.

Fait partie de hal-03566071 Ouvrage Anne Bartel-Radic (Dir.). Innovative and alternative research methods in economics and business administration. EIKV‐Schriftenreihe zum Wissens‐ und Wertemanagement, 33, 2019, EIKV-Schriftenreihe zum Wissens- und Wertemanagement. ⟨hal-03566071⟩

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Dates et versions

hal-03566127 , version 1 (11-02-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-03566127 , version 1


Fabienne Münch, Anne Bartel-Radic. Doing action research in a global project team. Anne Bartel-Radic. Méthodes de recherche alternatives et innovantes en Gestion et Economie / Innovative and alternative research methods in economics and business administration, EIKV, pp.182-199, 2019. ⟨hal-03566127⟩
22 Consultations
0 Téléchargements

