Quantifying qualitative case study research with QCA: implications and process of the method from the example of a study on inter-organizational collaboration
This chapter discusses the quantification of qualitative case study research with the QCA method on the example of a study of inter-organizational collaboration. The study explores collaborations between companies and not-for-profit organizations implementing projects in the renewable energy sector, using secondary data. Qualitative comparative analysis permits to identify the success factors of these collaborations. The chapter details the opportunities and limits of this method of analysis, and its implications for researchers using qualitative case studies.
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Fait partie de hal-03566071 Ouvrage Anne Bartel-Radic (Dir.). Innovative and alternative research methods in economics and business administration. EIKV‐Schriftenreihe zum Wissens‐ und Wertemanagement, 33, 2019, EIKV-Schriftenreihe zum Wissens- und Wertemanagement. ⟨hal-03566071⟩