Article Dans Une Revue Visual Neuroscience Année : 2018

Age-related macular degeneration changes the processing of visual scenes in the brain


In age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the processing of fine details in a visual scene, based on a high spatial frequency processing, is impaired, while the processing of global shapes, based on a low spatial frequency processing, is relatively well preserved. The present fMRI study aimed to investigate the residual abilities and functional brain changes of spatial frequency processing in visual scenes in AMD patients. AMD patients and normally sighted elderly participants performed a categorization task using large black and white photographs of scenes (indoors vs. outdoors) filtered in low and high spatial frequencies, and nonfiltered. The study also explored the effect of luminance contrast on the processing of high spatial frequencies. The contrast across scenes was either unmodified or equalized using a root-mean-square contrast normalization in order to increase contrast in high-pass filtered scenes. Performance was lower for high-pass filtered scenes than for low-pass and nonfiltered scenes, for both AMD patients and controls. The deficit for processing high spatial frequencies was more pronounced in AMD patients than in controls and was associated with lower activity for patients than controls not only in the occipital areas dedicated to central and peripheral visual fields but also in a distant cerebral region specialized for scene perception, the parahippocampal place area. Increasing the contrast improved the processing of high spatial frequency content and spurred activation of the occipital cortex for AMD patients. These findings may lead to new perspectives for rehabilitation procedures for AMD patients.
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Dates et versions

hal-01948781 , version 1 (08-12-2018)



Stephen Ramanoël, Sylvie Chokron, Ruxandra Hera, Louise Kauffmann, Christophe Chiquet, et al.. Age-related macular degeneration changes the processing of visual scenes in the brain. Visual Neuroscience, 2018, 35, pp.E006. ⟨10.1017/S0952523817000372⟩. ⟨hal-01948781⟩
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