Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2017

Evaluation of Remanufacturing for Product Recovery: Multi-criteria Decision Tool for End-of-Life Selection Strategy

Yohannes A. Alamerew
Daniel Brissaud
  • Fonction : Auteur
  • PersonId : 1074021


Remanufacturing is an end-of-life product recovery strategy whereby used products are restored to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) standard and receive a warranty at least equal to a newly manufactured product. Current end-of-life product recovery decision-making approaches are focused on technical and economic factors neglecting crucial areas such as customer demand and legislative pressure which are pertinent in the decision-making process, more importantly in the case of remanufacturing. Additionally, there is lack of a holistic approach that adopts an inclusive methodology for analysing multiple conflicting factors: ecological, technical, economic, business and social aspects simultaneously. This paper presents our research works on evaluation of remanufacturing for product recovery at strategic level. The paper identifies key end-of-life decision-making factors that aid for assessing the feasibility of remanufacturing. A Product Recovery Multi-Criteria Decision Tool (PR-MCDT) is proposed to evaluate the viability of conducting remanufacturing form an integrated point of view i.e. by simultaneously taking into account technical, economic, environmental, business and societal aspects. The main benefits of this tool are, a) the decision maker has the opportunity to consider key factors such as customer demand, legislative pressure and new technologies in the decision-making process, b) the tool helps to evaluate different end-of-life options under several often-conflicting criteria which are not necessarily quantitatively defined, c) the decision-making tool takes into account the preferences of the decision-maker in evaluating the feasibility of end-of-life strategies. An example is presented and discussed to illustrate the applicability of the tool for selection of product retirement option. The PR-MCDT is used by senor/middle management level to provide an early stage feasibility analysis of adopting remanufacturing for a general product type.


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hal-01627790 , version 1 (02-11-2017)


  • HAL Id : hal-01627790 , version 1


Yohannes A. Alamerew, Daniel Brissaud. Evaluation of Remanufacturing for Product Recovery: Multi-criteria Decision Tool for End-of-Life Selection Strategy. 3rd International Conference on Remanufacturing , Oct 2017, Linköping, Sweden. ⟨hal-01627790⟩
1997 Consultations
355 Téléchargements

