This book is a follow-up to the International Colloquium of Student Researchers in Language DIdactics and Linguistics (CEDIL) which took place from May 30 to June 1, 2018. This scientific event, which is held every four years, is an opportunity for exchanges for young researchers from the international community. It enables them to get in touch with scientific networks in their fields but also to discover new working methodologies (data collection and processing methods, corpus constitution and sharing, etc.). CEDIL also contributes to the training of young researchers while valuing their scientific contributions. This fourth edition was devoted to the digital theme: "What has digital changed? Linguistic and didactic perspectives". This theme was designed to include as broadly as possible work in the various disciplines of language sciences, which allowed the conference to be anchored at the heart of current issues in the field, namely the constitution of digital tools and related uses. Indeed, the omnipresence of these digital tools and resources in everyday life has an impact on the relationship to language. It modifies its use and, consequently, questions research in language sciences both in the methods it uses and in the objects it observes. Communicators were able to discuss the place of digital technology, its application and its consequences in three fields: research methodologies, the didactics of foreign and mother tongues and language practices.
The 2018 edition of the CEDIL colloquium gave rise to 29 communications from doctoral students and young researchers. At the beginning of each half-day, a "booster" session was associated with each communicant who was invited to summarize his or her presentation in three minutes in order to arouse the curiosity of the listeners. These boosters allowed everyone to have an overview of the content of the conference, notwithstanding the organization in parallel sessions.
Each half-day was also introduced by a plenary conference allowing to deepen one of the axes of the colloquium. During the first day, Mathieu Avanzi (Sorbonne University, STIH) presented the project "Mapping regional variation in French in the digital age", which consists in widely documenting the dialectal variants based on a participatory data collection allowing to refine their geographical distribution. On the second day, Françoise Boch (Université Grenoble Alpes, LIDILEM) presented "La grammaire en couleur, passage au numérique", an inductive learning approach to grammar and spelling developed by Mr. Laurent, which is currently being transposed at a distance (Grammortho modules). Then, Georges-Louis Baron (Université Paris V René Descartes, EDA) looked at modes of integration and their effects on learners' skills in his lecture "Les technologies en éducation au cours du temps. What are the effects on learners' skills? A retrospective reflection". Finally, Rachel Panckhurst (University of Montpellier 3, PRAXILING) questioned the link between digital and language practices from the context of SMS in a conference entitled "Mediated Digital Discourse (DNM) and contemporary scriptural practices". A round table bringing together the speakers around the issue of digital technology brought the conference to a close.
Following the symposium, the communicators were invited to produce an article detailing their work. This publication presents these articles, selected by a scientific committee. It is composed of three parts that echo the three axes of the colloquium. In the first part, the authors question the introduction and/or consequences of digital technology in language didactics. Valva & Cervini deal with language learning through the development of an application. Le Levier is interested in the relationship to spelling of college, high school and BTS students in their digital writings. Labetoulle, for her part, analyzes the contribution of a device between face-to-face and distance learning courses for learning a foreign language. Casani draws on the study of a corpus of Italian-speaking learners to describe their morphosyntactic skills. Finally, Biagiotti proposes the use of a didactic approach by "text genres" and "discourse types" for learning languages-cultures by relying on a specific digital environment. The second part focuses on the different uses of digital technology in language science research methodologies. Zouaidi relies on two French and Arabic corpuses to analyze the lexicon of affects through a semantic and syntactic study. Wang offers a bibliometric analysis using digital tools of textbooks for learning secondary and foreign languages in China. Mazzioti is interested in the contribution of digital technology to the analysis of teachers' interventions in student copies. Gharbi exploits a corpus of tweets to propose a linguistic description of expressive formulas. Finally, Do studies French concession markers from corpus of media debates. The last part is devoted to the impact of digital technology on various language practices. Thanks to automatic language processing, Soutrenon analyzes the written word of the feeling in the light of the digital transition. Finally, Lefebvre studies the influence of digital factors in shortening phenomena. This publication, we hope, sheds light on a current issue in language science research and contributes to make known the work of young researchers. Happy reading to you all!
Roxanne COMOTTI, Wendingoudi Emile OUEDRAOGO, Claire WOLFARTH, Camille NOÛS
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