Hiring : Post-doctorate on the geodynamics of a strike-slip faut system

Type of contract : CDD
Status :
post doctorate
Employer :
Sorbonne Université
Duration :
15-18 months

Planned starting date : 01/01/2024
Application deadline : 31/10/2023

Contacts :

Elia d’Acremont elia.dacremont@sorbonne-universite.fr
Nadaya Cubas nadaya.cubas@sorbonne-universite.fr

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The Institut des Sciences de la Terre de Paris (ISTeP, Paris Institute of Earth Sciences) is a multi-disciplinary laboratory with recognized expertise in many and varied areas of the geosciences. The main disciplines supported by ISTeP and around which the laboratory is structured are (1) petrology (metamorphic and magmatic) in relation to geodynamic contexts, notably subduction, (2) the dynamics, and the structural and sedimentary link of margins and oceans, considering paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental archives and (3) tectonics, with the study of lithospheric deformation and rheology on variable temporal and spatial scales, from the seismic cycle scale of a fault to the long-term crustal deformation in orogens. The laboratory is also structured around cross-disciplinary themes: hazards (seismic, volcanic, gravity), transition (new energies - geothermal, natural hydrogen, resources (Li), materials), as well as a common project, the Mediterranean Sea.

Adresse : Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, Tour 46-0, 2ème Etage, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 PARIS

The post-doctoral fellow would join ISTeP's ‘Terre Mer’ team and the scientific team of the ALBANEO project.

Study background

The ALBANEO project, which is funding this CDD, focuses on the dynamics of an intracontinental fault system along an incipient plate boundary in the Alboran Sea, and its implication for continental shelf morphology, regional seismic and tsunami hazards. Project partners include Sorbonne University (ISTeP), Géoazur (Sophia-Antipolis), UMR Géo-Océan (Brest), GEC (Cergy), ENS Paris, Linnaeus Univ. (Sweden), CSIC-ICM Barcelona, University of Granada, IEO Malaga. The ALBANEO project aims to enhance the value of the ALBACORE campaign data, in particular by enabling the coupled integration of geological and geophysical data.

Main tasks

The post-doctoral fellow will build a GIS database (with all attributes) of a 3D model of the Alboran domain, at lithospheric and crustal scales. Data will be drawn from the bibliography and from work led by ISTeP and its collaborations with partner institutes (Spain, Morocco, Sweden). The post-doctoral fellow will implement in this GIS project all the information gathered on tectonic structures, sedimentary and volcanic systems, seismicity, circulation of water masses, kinematics and rheology of the crust and lithosphere, …, with associated metadata. This information will be used as input data and boundary conditions for analog and numerical modeling, planned in task 4 of ANR ALBANEO, focusing on the Al Idrissi strike-slip fault system.
In addition to this synthesis work, he or she will be in charge of finalizing work already initiated on vertical movements in the Alboran Sea.

This work focuses on the geomorphological characterization of submerged island plateaus above tectonic folds in Alboran.

The candidate will carry out this work in connection with task 1 (Characterization in space and time of earthquake-triggering fault systems), task 2 (Characterization of the physical properties and fluid dynamics of fault systems) of the ANR ALBANEO, and the results of this work will be implemented in tasks 4 (Mechanical and kinematic modeling of strike-slip fault systems) and 5 (Project management, database implementation and dissemination of results).