The dynamics of extracellular matrix as a new source of inspiration for innovations in the field of healthy skin aging
Patricia Rousselle is a research director at the CNRS in France, where she heads a laboratory in the Department of Tissue Biology and Therapeutic Engineering in Lyon. She worked in renowned laboratories such as the Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children in Portland, USA, and then moved to the Cutaneous Biology Research Center in Boston before joining the CNRS to set up her own group. Her group, which develops both biochemical and cell biological approaches, analyzes the behavior and fate of epidermal keratinocytes during wound healing and aging with a focus on their dialog with the extracellular matrix to improve wound closure in humans. She also develops translational research in collaboration with clinicians and industry partners. Her work in the field of regenerative medicine has had a strong impact on the cosmetic industry, to which she has been able to transfer innovative concepts throughout her career. She was awarded the 2023 CNRS Medal for Innovation.