Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2022

Cyclic loading test on geogrid stabilised model trackbeds


Faced with increasingly demanding maintenance challenges, SNCF Réseau (the French railway infrastructure manager) proposes to use geogrids to improve trackbeds during renovations on its conventional rail lines (speed limit ≤ 220 km/h). This communication presents the design and deployment of a large scale physical model, which reasonably simulates the trackbeds usually found under conventional SNCF rail lines. Cyclic loading is applied, at similar amplitudes to those produced by a train on the field. Measurements (including surface settlement, induced soil pressure, soil-geosynthetic interface settlement…) are used to assess the impact of various geogrids on trackbed performance, mainly characterized by a light falling deflectometer test modulus and the settlement rate during the cyclic loading process.
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hal-04909026 , version 1 (23-01-2025)


  • HAL Id : hal-04909026 , version 1


Olatounde Yaba, Jean-François Ferellec, Fabrice Emeriault, Orianne Jenck, Jean-Benoît Toni, et al.. Cyclic loading test on geogrid stabilised model trackbeds. International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics,, Korean Geotechnical Society, Sep 2022, Daejon, South Korea. pp.446-449. ⟨hal-04909026⟩
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