Article Dans Une Revue Machines Année : 2023

Intelligent Road-Adaptive Semi-Active Suspension and Integrated Cruise Control


The availability of road and vehicle data enables the control of road vehicles to adapt for different road irregularities. Vision-based or stored road data inform the vehicle regarding the road ahead and surface conditions. Due to these abilities, the vehicle can be controlled efficiently to deal with different road irregularities in order to improve driving comfort and stability performances. The present paper proposes an integration method for an intelligent, road-adaptive, semi-active suspension control and cruise control system. The road-adaptive, semi-active suspension controller is designed through the linear parameter-varying (LPV) method, and road adaptation is performed with a road adaptivity algorithm that considers road irregularities and vehicle velocity. The road adaptivity algorithm calculates a dedicated scheduling variable that modifies the operating mode of the LPV controller. This modification of operation mode provides a trade-off between driving comfort and vehicle stability performances. Regarding the cruise control, the velocity design of the vehicle is based on the ISO 2631-1 standard, the created database, and the look-ahead road information. For each road irregularity, the velocity of the vehicle is designed according to previous measurements and the table of ISO 2631-1 standard. The comfort level must be selected in order to calculate dedicated velocity for road irregularity. The designed velocity is tracked by the velocity-tracking controller evaluated with the LPV control framework. The designed controllers are integrated, and the operation of the integrated method is validated in a TruckSim simulation environment
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hal-04892175 , version 1 (16-01-2025)




Hakan Basargan, András Mihály, Péter Gáspár, Olivier Sename. Intelligent Road-Adaptive Semi-Active Suspension and Integrated Cruise Control. Machines, 2023, 11 (2), pp.204. ⟨10.3390/machines11020204⟩. ⟨hal-04892175⟩
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