Chapitre D'ouvrage Année : 2024

The Trojan Formulaic Theater

Le théâtre formulaire troyen


This paper studies the epithets used in Homer for the city of Troy, called either Ἴλιος or Τροίη, in order to value their role in the poems. We count thirteen epithets that can be considered "fixed epithets" in Parry's terminology, a number comparable to the figures for Homeric gods or heroes, which might lead us to consider the city a "character" in the epics. It is thus worthwhile to review the uses of the epithets with a view to their metrical value, place in the hexameter, and possible equivalence with another form.

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hal-04704803 , version 1 (21-09-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04704803 , version 1


Françoise Letoublon. The Trojan Formulaic Theater. David Elmer and Peter McMurray. Singers and Tales in the Twenty-First Century, David Elmer and Peter McMurray eds, Cambridge Mass., Harvard University, may 2024, p. 41-70., Harvard University Press, pp.41-70, 2024. ⟨hal-04704803⟩


16 Consultations
10 Téléchargements

