The Omnipolarizer
This manuscript summarizes my research activities developed in the last ten years at the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB) of Dijon in the Solitons, Lasers and Optical Communications group (SLCO). The first part of this thesis provides an overview of my research activities dedicated to the study of linear and nonlinear effects occurring in optical fibers. During this last decade, I have exploited the whole richness of nonlinear dynamics occurring in optical fibers to demonstrate new physical phenomena, while always keeping in mind to achieve a good balance between fundamental science and applications. Following this rule of thumb, I have developed six main subjects of research centered on nonlinear fiber optics and dedicated respectively to the development of high repetition rate pulse sources, the all-optical control of polarization state, the exploitation of soft-glass fibers for strong spectral broadening in the mid-infrared, the study of universal physical phenomena such as dispersive shock waves based on the strong analogy between optics and hydrodynamics, the generation of polarization domain walls for data transmission or optical buffering, as well as a more recent topic dealing with nonlinear processing in few mode fibers. The second part describes in details one of these fields of research and deals with the all-optical control of the state-of-polarization of light in optical fibers. In this chapter, by means of numerical simulations, I first describe the physical basis of the polarization attraction process based on a cross-polarization interaction between two counter-propagating waves taking place in an optical fiber. Then, I report several experimental demonstrations and proof-of-principle experiments of optical functionalities dedicated to optical communications based on a device called Omnipolarizer. The last part of this chapter is then dedicated to future and on-going perspectives. Finally, the last part of this manuscript reports my curriculum vitae, including project management and supervising activities as well as a complete list of my publications, invited conferences, patents, book chapters as well as broad audience actions. Through this thesis, I aim to demonstrate my ability to lead international research activities and young researcher’s management, in order to be graduate with the French HDR degree.
Ce manuscrit résume mes activités de recherche réalisées au cours de ces dix dernières années au sein de l’équipe Solitons, Lasers et Communications Optiques (SLCO) du Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB) de Dijon. La première partie de ce mémoire est dédiée à fournir au lecteur une vue globale de mes activités de recherche portant sur l’optique non linéaire dans les fibres optiques. La deuxième partie décrit en détails mes travaux de recherche entrepris dans le cadre de mon activité portant sur le contrôle tout-optique de la polarisation au sein de fibres optiques. Nous y décrivons successivement les aspects fondamentaux, confortés par des simulations numériques, nos observations expérimentales, ainsi que plusieurs démonstrations de principe dédiées aux systèmes de communications optiques à travers le développement d’un prototype appelé Omnipolariseur. In fine, la dernière partie de ce manuscrit contient mon curriculum vitae ainsi qu’une liste complète de mes contributions, à savoir, liste de mes publications dans des revues à comité de lecture, brevets, chapitres de livre, vulgarisation et conférences invitées. La rédaction de ce mémoire tend à démontrer mes capacités à maîtriser une activité de recherche dans un domaine scientifique ainsi que mon aptitude à encadrer de jeunes chercheurs (doctorants, post-doctorants) en vue d’obtenir le diplôme d’habilitation à diriger des recherches.
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