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The Rencontres R are conceived as a place to present and share ideas on using the R statistical software. This meeting is designed to be a nationwide event where various topics belong, such as graphical tools, applied statistics, biostatistics, bayesian statistics, bioinformatics, data analysis, modeling, machine learning, high performance computing, etc...

The Rencontres R contain guest lectures, 20min regular talks, Lightning Talks and posters, that will introduce:

  • new advances in statistics and their implementation with R,
  • new R packages,
  • applications or original case studies involving the R software (genetics, bioinformatics, environment, psychometrics, social sciences, neuroscience, etc...),
  • computer features about the R software (multithreading, graphical tools, binding with other sofwares, etc...) ,
  • topics about teaching methods with R.

This meeting is intended to everyone interested in R: Researchers, teachers, people from industries, students, etc... It is built for both beginners and advanced R users. Statisticians and informaticians are welcomed, as well as well-wishers from every area where R can be useful.

These first Rencontres R are organized by the INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest together with the University of Bordeaux and the Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux

Program Committee


  • Benoît Liquet (ISPED, Université Bordeaux Segalen)


  • François Husson (Agrocampus Rennes)


  • Rémy Drouilhet (UMPF Grenoble)
  • Aurélien Latouche (CNAM)
  • Pierrick Legrand (Université Bordeaux Segalen, INRIA Bordeaux)
  • Julien Jacques (Université Lille 1)
  • Kenneth Knoblauch (Inserm Lyon)


Program Organization


  • Marie Chavent (Université Bordeaux Segalen, INRIA Bordeaux)


  • Jérôme Saracco (IPB, INRIA Bordeaux)

Administration : Laeticia Grimaldi (INRIA Bordeaux), Nicolas Jahier (INRIA Bordeaux), Ingrid Rochel (Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux)
Members : Raphaël Coudret, (Université Bordeaux 1, INRIA Bordeaux), Robin Genuer (ISPED, Université Bordeaux Segalen), Laurent Vezard, (Aquitaine, INRIA Bordeaux)