L. Corbusier, L. Homme, and L. Climat, Zurich: Les Èditions d'Architecture, 1977), 144. 30 The explanation does not focus on this project but on all the Indian projects 32 The systems of the English company are also applied by engineers like Carl Rosenqvist , who collaborates with Alvar Aalto. Their official letter layout gives evidence Concessionnaire des Brevets Internationaux de Chauffage par Rayonnement. Licence Crittall " . Bernard Morel, letter to André Wogenscky 34 The system seemed to be integrated into Le Corbusier's procedures, so there is no photo in the FLC archive that reflects the construction process. 35 Ets Missenard-Quint, Le Corbusier et Son Atelier Rue de Sèvres 35. Oeuvre Complète The plans of the heating systems for the ground floor (K1.9.12) and the room floors (FLC K1-9-16) as well as in the heating system description (K1.5.277), gives evidence of this. 37 FLC, K1.5.277. 38 Ibidem. 39 Roberto Gargiani and Anna Rosellini, Le Corbusier. Béton Brut and Ineffable Space Surface Materials and Psychophysiology of Vision, pp.1940-1965, 1952.